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Exhibit, The Mayton: Submission Deadline

  • January 04, 2022
  • The Mayton, 301 South Academy St., Cary, NC. 27511

The Mayton is hosting a curated FALC exhibit which will run from late January until late March.  Participation in this exhibit is FREE and open to members only.  Digital submissions ( 1 -3) are due to Judy Brubach by January 4, 2022.  Larger art is best for this location, starting at about 16 x 20.  This exhibit is curated, not judged, to assemble a cohesive show.  Exhibit runs for two months.  Hanging requirements for all FALC exhibits apply.  Please review our Display Guidelines on the Shows/Venues page. Click here.  

Send 1-3 digital submissions and/or questions  to Judy at

Include: member's name, title of each piece, medium of each piece, dimensions of each piece framed,  price of each piece or label as NFS, and prices. 

Important Dates:

Submit by: January 4th

Notification of acceptance  by:  January 8th

Installation:   January 18th, Noon - 2

Exhibit closes:  March 29th, Noon - 2

email: | mail: PO Box 3361, Cary NC 27519-3361 | office: 301 South Academy Street, Cary, NC 27511
FALC is a registered 501c3 non-profit corporation EIN 56-1835366

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